"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in His holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home; He leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land." Psalm 68:4-5

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Precious Days: Days 2 and 3

As we walked through the orphanage gates on the second day, Sofia came running towards us yelling, "Papí! Mamí!" and she first ran into her daddy's arms, nearly shaking with excitement. She then reached over for her mommy and jumped into mommy's open arms. She gave her hemana a big hug and kisses and continued with telling us all that she loved us very much. 
She spent a couple hours with us in a separate room. She learned the English phrase "Night, night" and the English word "snowflake." She crawled under the table and asked us to join. She brought the puppets and explained to us that this was their new house. 

Once again, she loved the corbata.
She found her hermana a ribbon, and told it to chase the corbata. So Sofia and I spent much time crawling on the floor. I also found out that she loves being tickled and she has the most contagious laugh!
She loved playing hide-and-seek with her Papí.
After we separated to rest for a couple hours, we all went to the mall together with the psychologist. Sofia loved the mall and looking at all the Christmas decorations. She tried the rides at the mall and at first was very scared and reached out to hold on to Papí, but after a while, she was ready to do it by herself!

Sofia loved eating out! And we found out that she eats a lot, and makes a huge mess. She would've eaten this whole plate if we hadn't stopped her! 
That's where the day ended, but after some rest, we were excited to see Sofia again the next day! Unfortunately, Papí woke up sick so he could not come to the orphanage to greet Sofia this morning. She visited him in the house we were staying at and crawled in his bed and said, "Pobre Papí (poor dad)" and rubbed his forehead. Then she pretended to be sick with him and crawled in bed next to him.
Mamí, the psychologist, and I went to our new apartment to unload some of our stuff and then went to the park. Our new apartment is very nice and inexpensive. It has a mini kitchen, fast wifi, much closet space, and a master bed with two fold-up beds. 
Sofia learned the the word "swing."
She ate a happy meal at McDonalds and loved it!
We set up her Smurf tent in the apartment and it fit perfectly over her bed. She loved playing with her new American Girl Doll her Grammy sent for her and named her Valentina (occasionally her name is Carolina). :) 
Towards the end of the day, she had a meltdown after a long, confusing day. She was sad she wasn't going back with her friends and her tias (caregivers) for the night. Adoption is a lot for a six year old girl to process. Please pray for her as she makes this huge transition.
She loves the phrase "It's funny!" and she says it while she laughs hysterically. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I will try to get a video of it today and post it later :) She also will ask us what a word is in English and then will tell us what it is in Spanish :)
Well I'll end this blog post with a video of her making her Smurf dance in the taxi :) Have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. I love her glasses. So cute! Praying for you all. :)
