After being home with Alison for just a few months, we felt God calling us to adopt another little girl. So for the past ten months we have been in the process of bringing precious Sofia home. Yesterday, we got to meet with her for the first time (besides the time we spent with her at the orphanage last year). After talking with the psychologist and other workers at the orphanage, we got to meet our precious Sofia!
She was dressed in a beautiful pink dress and pink sweater. She had two french-braids in her hair and brought beautiful pink roses to give to her new family. As she first walked into the room, she came running in yelling, "Papí! Papí! Papí!" She threw herself into her daddy's arms and held on to him tightly while she kept repeating "Papí." It was an absolutely precious moment.
She loved her Papí's tie, who she named Señor Corbata (Mr. Tie). Her Papí helped her put it on one of the puppets. She loved the puppets and made a family with them, one being the Papí, one being the Mamí, and one being Hermana. She also found a plastic syringe and was having Mamí help give the puppets "injections." She is such a character!
She also loved pretending she was asleep.
She played hide-and-seek under the blankets.
Her favorite "toy" was her Papí's tie. She put him to bed...
She put Mamí's sunglasses on him...
She counted his puppies...
She did his hair...
And she gave him kisses!
When the psychologist told Sofia that it was about time for us to leave for the day, she kept asking for one more minute! Although the psychologist had already told Sofia that we would be back tomorrow, she asked again to make sure we'd come back.
It was a beautiful, blessed day that we will always remember and keep in our hearts. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of yet another adoption. God is so good! :)
Oh that is so precious! Thanks for sharing. :)