Hello there and welcome to my feeble attempt to join the blogosphere! I have created this blog so that I can keep friends and family updated as we travel to Ecuador to adopt our daughter.
For those of you who don't know by now, we have been in the process of adopting an 8-year old girl from Quito, Ecuador since January of this year. I could write a book about our international adoption adventure up until this point...but our upcoming travels promise to be much more exciting than the interminable waiting that has been the sum of our experience so far. Suffice it to say that this whole adoption process is not for the faint-at-heart...it has been a rollercoaster ride and has definitely tested our faith at times. However, we serve a God who is incredibly good; His will has prevailed and His peace has kept us sane (well, mostly).
I hope to give you some background information about what led us to adopt an older child from a foreign country in future posts. However....I am completely overwhelmed with a million and one details that must be attended to before we can leave the country IN 3 DAYS, so consider this the "practice post" so I can see if it really works. Hopefully I will have time to keep up with this blog so that you can join us on our journey to Ecuador :)
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