"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in His holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home; He leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land." Psalm 68:4-5

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Fashion Show and Cookie Dough :)

Our past few days have been full of excitement and many changes. Sofia is learning how to live in a family and we are all learning to adjust to having one more little Ecuadorian princess in our home. Alison had a basketball game yesterday (Saturday) and Mom and Jamie went to watch her. We decided that Sofie wasn't prepared for a basketball game (nor was the basketball game ready for her ;) so I stayed home with Sofie and Jenna while my dad worked. We had a blast together! Our morning was filled with more dancing and we even had a fashion show! Jenna and Sofia got dressed up in their favorite dresses and I curled Jenna's hair and even put a little make-up on the both of them :) Sofia got her doll Ebony ready for the fashion show as well. Then we took pictures :) 

She was determined to keep her hat and coat on for pictures :) 

Aren't these girls just gorgeous?!
Afterwards Sofia wanted to listen to music. So she sat on my lap as we rocked back and forth to the music. Soon, she turned around and wrapped her little arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. For twenty-five minutes she lie there on my chest, the first time she had ever fallen asleep on the lap of a sister before. Oh, those precious twenty-five minutes. I never wanted it to end. 
Later, Sofia got to experience making cookies with her Papí. She was scared of the KitchenAid at first. She loved sampling the cookie dough and spending special time with her Papí.

Later, Sofia and Alison cuddled up in Sofia's bed and watched VeggieTales on our old VHS television. Sofia loved VeggieTales and thinks that it is hilarious! 

Sofia had fun with her new big sister Jamie. She sat on her lap for awhile and they played puppets with some oven mitts. 

Sofia and I are bonding really well already. I love just holding her and playing with her in my lap. I love praising her for her good decisions. When I tell her no to something but she still tries to get away with doing whatever it is she wants to do, I tell her to look in my eyes. Sometimes I have to direct her head towards mine. When she looks in my eyes, I repeat myself, "I said no." And she says, "Okay" and doesn't ask me again. She is making such good progress. When she is taking off her shoes, I ask her where they go. She then brings them over by the door and says, "Right here!" She's so smart! I can't wait to see what God has in store for her. I know whatever it is, it is going to be so amazing! She has so much potential and I'm already so in love with her. 

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